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Friday, January 7, 2011

The Bright Idea 1/ 7/11

Hello there!

     My name is Emily, I am here to not only do a project but also use this as a new hobby. I was very much inspired by Julie Powell, and I read a couple of her blogs. but anyways I want to tell you how I came up with this idea. Well my mother and I were driving to the place where I practice karate, I was telling her how I really want to take photography at my school. My mom then brought up the idea that I also enjoy writing so much (I write non stop) and why not write a blog. I fell in love with the idea and agreed, then she asked me what I wanted to write about, I told her Eugene. We discussed that a bit further, I took the chance to express my idea that I enjoy teens (since I am a teenager) so right out of my mothers noggin come 'Teen Eugene'. I again fell in love with that idea, and that's how this idea was born.

    I shared this idea with a couple of my teachers, they encouraged me, saying that this was creative and not very many teenagers do stuff like this, wither they be too lazy or really don't want to work and instead write a four thousand page paper rather than doing a project and instead writing a two thousand page paper. I personally would rather write a five page paper than a ten page paper. I hope to start soon, once I charge my battery on my camera and find some productive teens that will help me out a bit.

    So Long,

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